Francis Hutcheson (1694-1746)

About Hutcheson

  • Professor of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow, 1729-1746
  • Educated in Ireland and at Glasgow where he was a student of John Loudoun (ODNB*)


  • Recommended reading, ‘To the Students in Universities’ in A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy includes Grotius, Cumberland, Pufendorf, Harrington, Carmichael’s commentary on de officio hominis et civis, Shaftesbury, Locke, Barbeyrac, and Bynkershoek, pp. i-iv Available from Online Library of Liberty
  • ‘renowned as a moral preacher who taught in an animated and extemporaneous fashion’ (ODNB* at entry for Thomas Reid whose ‘dry manner’ is contrasted)


  • F Hutcheson, Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections, with Illustrations on the Moral Sense (Dublin and Glasgow, 1728) Available from the Internet Archive
  • F Hutcheson, Philosophiae moralis institutio compendiaria, ethices & jurisprudentiae naturalis elementa continens (Glasgow, 1742) Available from the Internet Archive
  • F Hutcheson, A short introduction to moral philosophy, in three books; containing the elements of ethicks and the law of nature. By Francis Hutcheson, Lld. Late Professor of Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. Translated from the Latin (Glasgow: Robert Foulis, 1747) (Book II: ‘Elements of the Law of Nature’) Available from Online Library of Liberty and Google Books

NPG D4399; Francis Hutcheson by Francesco Bartolozzi, after  A. Selvi

Francis Hutcheson
by Francesco Bartolozzi, after A. Selvi
stipple engraving, circa 1750-1800
NPG D4399
© National Portrait Gallery, London
Creative Commons Licence

*For references, see the Site Bibliography.

David Verner (d. 1752)

About Verner

  • Regent at Aberdeen


  • ‘Natural jurisprudence figured in his 1731 thesis…since he there alluded to Grotius and Puffendorf, and touched on the origins of private property rights.’ (Wood, Aberdeen Enlightenment 39*)

Publications, Manuscripts and other Resources

  • Dissertatio philosophica, de passionibus sive affectibus, quam … in auditorio publico Academiae Novae Abredonensis, ad diem [ ] Aprilis, propugnabunt, David Verner praeses, et hi candidati laurea magisteriali condonandi (Abredeis : Nicol, 1721) [University of Aberdeen, Special Collections: SBL 1721 N 1 (Xerox copy)]
  • Dissertatio … philosophica … de finibus bonorum et benevolentia (Aberdeen, 1730) [University of Glasgow, Special Collections: Sp Coll BG57-k.34]

*For references, see the Site Bibliography.


George Turnbull (1698-1748)

About Turnbull

  • Regent at Aberdeen, 1721-1727
  • Tutor to Andrew Wauchope of Niddry and Thomas Watson


  • ‘In his elaborate manual for the education of the virtuous republican citizen and dutiful office-holder in the divine corporation [Observations upon Liberal Education (London, 1742)], Turnbull includes the study of Roman law, followed by natural law, as essential. More particularly, he recommends Grotius, Pufendorf, and his own Heineccius….’ (Haakonssen, Natural law 98*)

Publications, Manuscripts, and other Resources

  • Johann Gottlieb Heineccius, A Methodical System of Universal Law: Or, the Laws of Nature and Nations, with Supplements and a Discourse by George Turnbull. Translated from the Latin by George Turnbull, edited with an Introduction by Thomas Ahnert and Peter Schröder (London 1741; repr Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 2008). Available from Online Library of Liberty.
  • G Turnbull, The Principles of Moral Philosophy (London, 1740) Available from Google Books and the Internet Archive

*For references, see the Site Bibliography.

John Pringle (1707-1782)

About Pringle

  • Professor of Moral Philosophy at Edinburgh, 1734-1745
  • Advertised a private class on Pufendorf (Haakonssen, ‘Natural’ 262*)
  • Career as a military physician (ODNB*)

NPG D7822; Sir John Pringle, Bt by William Henry Mote, after  Sir Joshua Reynolds




Sir John Pringle, Bt
by William Henry Mote, after Sir Joshua Reynolds
stipple engraving, mid 19th century
NPG D7822
© National Portrait Gallery, London
Creative Commons Licence


*For references, please see the Site Bibliography.

James Balfour of Pilrig (1705-1795)

About Balfour

  • Regius Professor of the Law of Nature and Nations, 1764-1779
  • Professor of Moral Philosophy at Edinburgh, 1754-1764 but notably unsuccessful as a teacher (ODNB*); lectured on Pufendorf (Haakonssen, ‘Natural’ 262*)


  • Not known if he lectured as Regius Professor (Grant*); but his class was advertised in The Edinburgh Advertiser: ‘UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH…III. LAW. The Law Classes will be opened on Tuesday the 19th of November, as follows: [ …] The Law of Nature and Nations, Mr. Balfour.’ [Vol. XXX, no 1532 (1 Sept 1778) 151 col. 2]

Publications, Manuscripts and other Resources

  • J Balfour, A delineation of the nature and obligation of morality. With reflexions upon Mr Hume’s book, intitled, An inquiry concerning the principles of morals (Edinburgh [1753]; 2nd edn, Edinburgh, 1763)

*For references, see the Site Bibliography.

Gershom Carmichael (1672-1729)

Gershom Carmichael (1672-1729)

About Carmichael

  • Regent at St Andrews, 1693
  • Regent at Glasgow, 1694-1727
  • Professor of Moral Philosophy at Glasgow, 1727-1729


  • Moral philosophy course ‘reoriented…around Pufendorf’s theories of natural law’ (Cairns, ‘Origins…Glasgow’ 157*)
  • Used Pufendorf’s textbook De officio homini et civis as text for teaching moral philosophy (Cairns, ‘Ethics’ 166*)
  • Discussed Locke’s theories and the social contract in his natural jurisprudence lectures (Wood, Aberdeen Enlightenment 181*)

Publications, Manuscripts and other Resources

  • ‘… most important publication, an extended commentary on Samuel Pufendorf’s work on the duty of man and citizen, S[amuelis] Pufendorfii de officio hominis et civis juxta legem naturalem, libri duo. Supplementis et observationibus in academicae juventutis usum auxit et illustravit Gerschomus Carmichael (1724; first edn, 1718).’ (ODNB*)
  • Pufendorf, Samuel, Freiherr von, De jure naturæ et gentium. Abridgments S. Puffendorfii de officio hominis et civis, juxta legem naturalem libri duo. Editio nova, aucta observationibus & supplementis, … adjectis a Gerschomo Carmichael … (Glasguæ: ex officina Donaldi Govan, 1718)
  • Pufendorf, Samuel, Freiherr von, De jure naturæ et gentium. Abridgments  S. Puffendorfii De officio hominis et civis, juxta legem naturalem, libri duo. Supplementis & observationibus in academicæ juventutis usum auxit & illustravit Gerschomus Carmichael, Philosophiae in Academia Glasguensi Professor. Editio Secunda priore Auctior & Emendatior (Edinburgi: typis Joannis Mosman & sociorum, impensis Joannis Paton Bibliopolae; & prostant venales apud officinam ejus in Area Parliamentaria, MDCCXXIV. [1724])
  • University of Glasgow, Archives and Business Records Centre, account of Carmichael’s teaching, 43170

*For references, see the Site Bibliography.

John Erskine (1695-1768), of Carnock

About Erskine

  • Chair of Scots Law, Edinburgh, 1737-1765


  • Principles of the Law of Scotland combines Justinian’s Institute with Pufendorf’s natural law; ‘it was the introduction of generations of Scots lawyers to their legal system’ (ODNB*)

Publications, Manuscripts, and other Resources

  • ‘Notes on lectures delivered by Erskine (1740): Sess. 1740-1’ [Apparently taken by Sir Gilbert Elliot, 3rd Bart of Minto], National Library of Scotland MS 3862
  • Principles of the law of Scotland: in the order of Sir George Mackenzie’s institutions of that law (1754); 7th edn (1791) available from Google Books

*For references, see the Site Bibliography.