Publication, Appointment, Lecture, or Other Event
1751 |
Thomas Reid, regent at Aberdeen (-1764) |
1751 |
Adam Smith uses Hutcheson’s Philosophiae moralis institution compendaria, ethicis & jursiprudentiae naturalis elementa continuen while covering for the ill Thomas Craigie |
1751 |
Henry Home, ‘Of the foundations and principles of the law of nature’ in Essays on the principles of morality and natural religion (Essay changes title in 3rd edn to ‘Foundation and principles of morality’) |
1751 |
Andrew MacDowell (later Lord Bankton), An institute of the laws of Scotland in civil rights: with observations upon the agreement or diversity between them and the laws of England. In four books (Edinburgh) |
1751 |
Hugo Grotius, Samuel Clark, and John Locke, Synopsis compendiaria librorum Hugonis Grotii de jure belli et pacis: Samuelis Clarkii de dei existentiâ et attributis, et Joannis Lockii de intellectu humano (Cambridge, Oxford, London, Edinburgh) |
1752 |
Adam Smith, professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow (-1764) |
1752 |
J J Burlamaqui, The principles of politic law: being a sequel to The principles of natural law, tr Mr Nugent (London) |
1753 |
Francis Hutcheson, A short introduction to moral philosophy, in three books: containing the elements of ethicks and the law of nature (2nd edn, Glasgow) |
1754 |
David Fordyce, Elements of moral philosophy (London); based on his ethics lectures |
1754 |
Thomas Rutherforth, Institutes of natural law: being the substance of a course of lectures on Grotius de Jure belli et pacis (Cambridge) |
1755 |
Francis Hutcheson, A system of moral philosophy (Glasgow) |
1756 |
Johann Gottlieb Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb Heineccius, Jo. Gotl. Heineccii, jurisconsulti et antecessoris, elementa philosophiae rationalis, ex principiis admodum evidentibus justo ordine adornata. Praemissa est historia philosophica (Edinburgi: apud G. Hamilton & J. Balfour Academiae Typographos) |
1758 |
David Hume proposes Adam Smith as Regius Professor at Edinburgh but nothing comes of it; Adam Ferguson proposed but nothing comes of it (Cairns, ‘First’*) |
1759 |
Adam Smith, The theory of moral sentiments (London and Edinburgh) |
1759 |
Robert Bruce, Regius Professor at Edinburgh (-1764); Advertises ‘Course of Lectures upon GROTIUS DE JURE BELLI AC PACIS’ |
1760 |
Hugonis Grotii de jure belli ac pacis librorum III compendium in usum studiosae juventutis Academiae Edinensis (Edinburgh) |
1760 |
Faculty of Advocates recommends attendance at courses in natural law for candidates |
1760 |
James Beattie, Professor of moral philosophy and logic at Marishal College (-1797) |
1761 |
John Millar, Regius professor of civil law at Glasgow (-1801) |
1762 |
Candidates for admission to the Faculty of Advocates to be examined ‘upon the Law of Nature & Nations’ |
1764 |
James Balfour, Regius Professor at Edinburgh (-1779); advertised classes but not successful as a treacher – rising competition John Millar at from Glasgow Law School |
1764 |
Thomas Reid, professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow (-1780) |
1765 |
Glasgow: ‘Millar turned the second of the annual courses on the Institutes into a presentation of natural jurisprudence modelled on the theory of his mentor, Adam Smith’ (Cairns, ‘First’*); recommended Cocceji and Heineccius |
1766 |
Adam Ferguson, Analysis of pneumatics and moral philosophy (Edinburgh) |
1769 |
Adam Ferguson, Institutes of Moral Philosophy for the Use of Students in the College of Edinburgh (Edinburgh) |
1773 |
John Erskine, An institute of the law of Scotland. In four books. In the order of Sir George Mackenzie’s Institutions of that law (Edinburgh) |
1779 |
Allan Maconochie, Regius Professor at Edinburgh (-1796); change in natural law from Grotian rationalism to exploration of human nature (Cairns, ‘First’*) |
1780 |
Allan Maconochie, Mr [sic] Maconochie advocate, professor of public law, proposes to open his class next winter. The intended course will treat of the history and principles of universal and political law, according to the following arrangement (Edinburgh) |
1780 |
Archibald Arthur, professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow (-1797); lectures on natural jurisprudence |
1786 |
John Bruce, Elements of the science of ethics, on the principles of natural philosophy (London; Edinburgh) |
1788 |
Thomas Reid, ‘Of systems of natural jurisprudence’ in Essays on the active powers of man (Edinburgh), pp. 387-94 |
1790 |
William Laurence Brown (1755-1830) professor of natural law at Utrecht |
1790 |
James Beattie, Elements of Moral Science (London) [natural law does not feature much] |
1790s |
Francis Horner studies natural law texts as a student |
1792 |
Adam Ferguson, Principles of moral and political science (Edinburgh) |
1792 |
William Druthin, ‘On a course of reading’ in The Bee (ed. James Anderson), vol. 8, p. 128: ‘Natural law, and moral philosophy – Paley’s principles of moral and political philosophy; or Berlamaqui’s natural and political law, (translated by Nugent,) or Rutherford’s institutes of natural and political law.’ (Edinburgh) |
1793 |
Dugald Stewart, Outlines of Moral Philosophy for the Use of Students in the University of Edinburgh |
1793 |
William Laurence Brown, An essay on the natural equality of men; on the rights that result from it, and on the duties which it imposes: To which a Silver Medal was adjudged by the Teylerian Society at Haarlem, April 1792. Corrected and enlarged. By William Lawrence Brown, D. D. Professor Of Moral Philosophy, And The Law Of Nature, And Of Ecclesiastical History; And Minister Of The English Church At Utrecht (Edinburgh) |
1796 |
Robert Hamilton, Regius Professor at Edinburgh (-1831) but may not have ever taught |
1797 |
Robert Heron, Abstract of a course of lectures on law, natural and positive (Edinburgh) |
1799 |
James Mackintosh, A discourse on the study of the law of nature and nations (London; repr. Edinburgh, 1835) |
1799 |
Helvétius, The true meaning of the system of nature: translated from the French (Glasgow) |