Timeline: Natural Law in Scotland, 1700-1749
Date |
Publication, Appointment, Lecture, or Other Event |
1705 | William Cockburn, A letter from Mr. Cockburn to the Right Honourable John of Roxburgh, one of the principal secretaries of state for the Kingdom of Scotland (Edinburgh) |
1706 | Samuel Pufendorf, Le devoirs de l’homme et du citoyen, tels qu’ils lui sont prescrits par la loi naturelle, tr. J. Barberac (Amsterdam) |
1707 | William Scott (ed.), Hugonis Grotii de jure belli ac pacis librorum III. Compendium, annotationibus & commentaries selectis illustratum. In usum studisae juventutis Academiae Edinensis (Edinburgh) |
1707 | First Regius Professor of the Law of Nature and Nations at Edinburgh, Charles Areskine (-1734); inaugural lecture on ‘God as the Fountain of Law’ |
1707 | Samuel Pufendorf, Le droit de la nature des gens, ou system general des principes les plus importants de la monde, de la jurisprudence, et de las politique, tr. J. Barbeyrac, 2 vols (Amsterdam) |
1707 | Charles Areskine advertises class ‘on the Laws of Nature and Nations’ [Cairns, ‘First’*] |
1711 | Shaftesbury, Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times (London) |
1712 | ‘Gershom Carmichael‘s Account of His Teaching Method’ (manuscript) |
1718 | Samuel Pufendorf, De jure naturae et gentium. Abridgments S. Puffendorfii de officio hominis et civis, juxta legum naturalem libri duo. Editio nova, aucta observationibus & supplementis, … adjectis a Gerschomo Carmichael… (Glasgow) |
1721 | David Verner, Dissertatio philosophica, de passionibus sive affectibus, quam…in auditorio publico Academiciae Novae Abredonensis, ad diem [] Aprilis, propugnabunt, David Verner praeses, et hi candidati laurea magistreriali condonandi (Aberdeen) |
1722 | Patrick Hardie, Amplissimo ac ornatissimo domino D. Gulielmo Forbes de Craigievar &c. Equiti Baronetto almae hujus Academiae rectori magnifico, dignissimo, non minus propriis virtutibus quam generosa prosapiâ illustri. Theses hasce philosophicas in deditissimi affectus & perpetuae observantiae tesseram, D.D.C.Q. Patricius Hardie praeses et hi candidati laurea magisteriali condecorandi. … Qui A.D.O.M. theses hasce cum annexis publicè propugnabant, in Collegio Novo Universitatis Carolinae Abredonensis, ad 11 diem Aprilis, 1722. h.l.q.s (Aberdeen) |
1724 | Samuel Pufendorf, S. Puffendorfii De officio hominis et civis, juxta legem naturalem, libri duo. Supplementis & observationibus in academicæ juventutis usum auxit & illustravit Gerschomus Carmichael, Philosophiae in Academia Glasguensi Professor. Editio Secunda priore Auctior & Emendatior (Edinburgh) |
1726 | George Turnbull, Theses academicæ de pulcherrima mundi cum materialis tum rationalis constitutione quas; … sub præsidio Georgii Turnbull P.P, in auditorio publico Academiæ Novæ Abredonensis ad diem 14 Aprilis, … propugnabunt hi generosi adolescentes, ad gradum magisterialem laudabilite contendentes (Aberdeen) |
1727 | Gershom Carmichael, Professor of Moral Philosophy (-1729); uses Pufendorf, De officio homini et civis as his textbook |
1727 | Richard Cumberland, A treatise of the law of nature (London) |
1728 | Johann Gottieb Heineccius, Elementa philosophiae rationalis et moralis (Amsterdam) |
1730 | Francis Hutcheson ‘teaches Mr Carmichael‘s Compend on Puffendorf’ [More, ‘Presbyterianism’ 168*] |
1732 | Advocate John Lookup offers weekly ‘Prelections upon the Law of Nature and Nations’ [Cairns, ‘First’*] |
1734 | William Kirkpatrick becomes Regius Professor of the Law of Nature and Nations at Edinburgh (-1735); does not teach and gives up position in the next year to become an MP |
1735 | George Abercromby, becomes Regius Professor of the Law of Nature and Nations at Edinburgh (-1759); teaches using Grotius |
1738 | Grotius, The rights of war and peace, in three books…to which are added all the large notes of Mr. J. Barbeyrac (London) |
1739 | Hugh Blair, Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis, de fundamentis & obligatione legis naturæ: Quam, favente numine, ut in artibus liberalibus & disciplinis philosophicis magister rite renuncietur, ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Gulielmi Wishart, S.T.D. academiæ Edinburgenæ præfecti: nec non amplissimi senatus academici. & nobilissima faculratis arrium, decreto, eruditorum examini, in auditorio publico academiæ, ad 23. diem Februarii, horâ 10. Antemeridianâ, subjiciet Hugo Blair, A. & R. (Edinburgh) |
1740 | George Turnbull, Theses Philosophicae de Scientiae Naturalis cum Philosophia Morali Conjunctione (Aberdeen) |
1740 | George Turnbull, The Principles of Moral Philosophy (London); contains material from graduation theses of 1726 and 1726 (Stewart 101*) |
1741 | J. G. Heineccius, A methodical system of universal law: or, The laws of nature and nations, deduced from certain principles, and applied to proper cases / written in Latin by the celebrated Jo. Got. Heineccius, counsellor of State to the King of Prussia, and professor of philosophy at Hall.; translated, and illustrated with notes and supplements, by George Turnbull LL. D. To which is added, a discourse upon the nature and origin of moral and civil laws ; in which they are deduced, by an analysis of the human mind in the experimental Way, from our internal principles and dispositions (London; new edn 1763) |
1741 | John Erskine, ‘The law of nature sufficiently promulgated to the heathens’ in Theological dissertations (London 1765) |
1742 | George Turnbull, Observations upon liberal education in all its branches (London) |
1742 | Francis Hutcheson, Philosophiae moralis institutio compendiaria, ethices & jurisprudentiae naturalis elementa continens (Glasgow) (2nd edn, 1753) |
1742 | Walter Anderson, Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis, de naturali hominum ad societatem propensione. Quam, favente numine, ut in artibus liberalibus & disciplinis philosophicis magister rite renuncietur, ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Gulielmi Wishart, S.T.D. academiæ Edinburgenæ præfecti: nec non amplissimi senatus academici, & nobilissima faculratis arrium, decreto, eruditorum examini, in auditorio publico academiæ, ad 18 diem Martii, hora 10. Antemeridianâ, subjiciet Gualterus Anderson, A. & R. (Edinburgh) |
1746 | Thomas Craigie, professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow (-1751); uses Hutcheson’s Philosophiae moralis institution compendaria, ethicis & jursiprudentiae naturalis elementa continuen as his textbook |
1747 | Francis Hutcheson, A short introduction to moral philosophy, in three books; containing the elements of ethicks and the law of nature. By Francis Hutcheson, Lld. Late Professor of Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. Translated from the Latin (Glasgow) [Book II = Elements of the law of nature; Advice on studying addressed ‘To the Students in Universities’] |
1748 | Lord President of the Court of Session urges trainee advocates ‘to learn thoroughly the principles of the Roman Law and the Laws of Nature and Nations’ [Cairns, ‘First’*] |
1748 | J. J. Burlamaqui, The principles of natural law : in which the true systems of morality and civil government are established, and the different sentiments of Grotius, Hobbes, Puffendorf, Barbeyrac, Locke, Clark, and Hutchinson, occasionally considered (London) |
1749 | Samuel Pufendorf, Of the law of nature and nations…to which are now added, all the large notes of Mr. Barbeyrac, translated from his last and fourth edition (5th edn, London) |
*For references, see the Site Bibliography.