Work-in Progress

We organise ad hoc WiP sessions at which members of the staff and postgraduate community present their work-in-progress to obtain feedback from their peers. Our work in progress sessions are pre-read.

If you would like us to organise a WiP session to discuss your work then please contact the  convenors of the LTRG, Joaquín Reyes and Richard Latta, at

Previous WiP sessions have included:

Euan MacDonald ‘Sex and the City’ (6 September 2018).

Claudio Michelon “Legal Abduction” (18 January 2018)

Lucas Miotto “What is Coercion Like?” (21 June 2017)

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh “Questioning Constitutional Pluralism in EU Law” (20th March 2017)

Euan MacDonald ‘Legitimacy and the Unity of Global Administrative Law’.

Martin Kelly ‘Switched wills and Legal Interpretation: Marley v. Rawlings’

Simon Barnes ‘Psychopathy, cognitive neuroscience and criminal responsibility: problems with focusing on insanity’

Paul Burgess ‘The Rule of Law: An Essentially Elemental Concept”

Luís Duarte d’Almeida ‘Arguing a fortiori

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh “Global Constitutionalism and its Discontents: Towards a new framework of analysis”

Andrew Cornford “Must Crimes Be Wrongs? Assessing the Wrongness Constraint on Criminalisation”

Luís Duarte d’Almeida and Claudio Michelon “The Structure of Arguments by Analogy in Law: Round 2”

Lucas Miotto “On the ‘Society of Angels’ Thought Experiment”

Vinicius Vidor “The Normative Structure of the Restrictions on Speech”

Sebastian Figueroa “Expectations, Reactive Attitudes and the Structure of Responsibility”

Lucas Miotto “Two Dogmas of Naturalism in Legal Philosophy”

Alexander Latham “Ideal Theory, Institutional Design and Democracy”

Paolo Sandro “To Whom Does The Law Speak? Canvassing a Neglected Picture of Law’s Interpretative Field”

Martin Kelly “Is the Existence of Theoretical Legal Disagreement Compatible with Legal Positivism?”

Paolo Sandro “Creation and Application of Law: Towards an Analytical Distinction”