The Nature of Legal Sanctions

This Workshop will take place on Wednesday, June 1st  2016 from 10.15am – 5.00pm in the Raeburn Room (Old College). Copies of the papers will be made available to attendees in a password protected page.

Organizer: Lucas Miotto

Eventbrite - 2016 Legal Theory Festival


Coffee served 10:15 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:45

Lucas Miotto (Edinburgh): A Note on Sanctioning

Discussant: Thomas Bustamante (UFMG)

11:50 – 13:05

Beth Henzel (Rutgers): Retributivism Refined: An Expressivist Hope

Discussant: Andrew Cornford (Edinburgh)

Lunch Break 13:05– 14:10

14:15 – 15:30

Jean Thomas (Queens): Reason, Coercion, and Force: the Paradoxical Character of Sanctions in a Social Account of Law

Discussant: Sebastián Figueroa (UdC)

Coffee Break – 15:30 – 15:40

15:45 – 17:00

Nicos Stavropoulos (Oxford): How Coercion Can Help

Discussant: Euan MacDonald (Edinburgh)