The Rule of Law: Operation and Applications Through History

This Workshop will take place on Monday, May 30  2016 from 9:00am – 4:30pm in the Raeburn Room (Old College). Copies of the papers will be made available to attendees in a password protected page.

Organizer: Paul Burgess


Eventbrite - 2016 Legal Theory Festival


9:00 – 9:05

Lucas Miotto / Paul Burgess: Welcome and Introduction

9:05 – 10:10

Mirko Canevaro (Edinburgh):  Legal Procedure and the Rule of Law in Ancient Athens

Discussant: Peter Candy (Edinburgh)

Coffee served 10:10 – 10:25

10:25 – 11:30

Elizabeth McKnight (UCL): Open-textured Rules and Cicero’s Legal Argument

Discussant: Graeme Cunningham (Glasgow)

11:35 – 12:40

Jørgen Møller (Aarhus): Medieval Roots of the Modern State

Discussant: Matyas Bodig (Aberdeen)

Lunch Break – 12:40– 13:20

13:20 – 14:25

Paul Scott (Southampton) – Discussion of:  Entick v Carrington: 250 Years of the Rule of Law (Tomkins and Scott eds., Hart Publishing 2015)

Panel Members: Asanga Welikala (Edinburgh) and Paul Burgess (Edinburgh)

Coffee Break – 14:25 – 14:40

14:40 – 15:45

Chris May (Lancaster): What Exactly is it about the Rule of Law that Seems so Necessary to Capitalism’s Success?: The Rule of Law, Economics & the (Re)production of Markets

Discussant:  Neil Walker (Edinburgh)

15:50 – 16:50

Brian Tamanaha (Washington University Law):  Unanticipated Consequences of the Rule of Law Tradition