Virtue Ethics, Markets, and the Law
This Workshop will take place on Tuesday 5th June 2018 between 8:30am-4.45pm in David Hume Tower, Room LG.08. It is organised by Joaquín Reyes (Edinburgh).
Click HERE to access the papers (password protected).
08:30 Reception
09:10 Dominic Burbidge (Oxford): ‘A Separation of Virtues’
Discussant: Antony Duff (Stirling)
10:25 Coffee break
10:40 René Urueña (UniAndes, Colombia): ‘Virtue in Algorithms? Law and Ethics in Algorithmic Governance’
11:55 Coffee Break
12:10 Irit Samet (KCL): ‘Equity, Conscience, and the market’
13:25 Lunch Break
14:10 Prince Saprai (UCL): ‘Intent to Contract and Trust’
15:25 Coffee break
15:40 Chapin Cimino (Drexel): ‘Adam Smith and Modern Virtue Jurisprudence’
Discussant: Sebastián Figueroa Rubio (Adolfo Ibañez, Chile)
16:55 Closing remarks