Reconstructing Arguments

This Workshop will take place on Thursday, 2nd of June 2016 from 3.00 – 5.00pm in the Project Room (50 George Square)

Organizer: Luís Duarte d’Almeida and Euan MacDonald



3:00pm to 3:40pm, Lilian Bermejo-Luque, “What Is Wrong with Deductivism?”

3:40pm to 4:10pm, David Botting, “Toulmin’s Logical Types”

Followed by Q&A

The workshop is not pre-read, but David Botting’s draft paper is now available on the Workshop’s password protected page for participants who wish to read it in advance.  An extended handout of Lilian Bermejo-Luque’s talk will also be available closer to the event.


For participants who would also like to read a bit more on the topics of the workshop, our speakers recommend the following:

Lilian Bermejo-Luque, “Argumentation Theory and the Conception of Epistemic Justification” (2009) 16 Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 285-383

David Botting, “The Logical Evaluation of Arguments” (2016) 30 Argumentation 167-180

David Botting, “The Virtuous Tortoise” (2015) Philosophical Investigations (forthcoming but available online in the “Early view” section of the journal)