Clio@Themis: New Electronic Journal in Legal History

A new eletronic journal devoted to legal history has been established entitled Clio@Themis. It is accessible at It is associated with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

The first issue contains a survey of aspects of the state of the subject in Europe under the title "Nouveaux regards sur l’histoire du droit". Articles, by Alain Wijffels , Dirk Heirbaut , Michael Stolleis, Paolo Alvazzi del Frate , Heikki Pihlajamäk , Brian Tamahana , Dominique Linhardt, are in French and English.

I could not get the facility to produce the articles in a PDF format to work. No doubt this is a small initial glitch.

There are distinguished editorial and advisory committees.

The next issue is on Histoires des Cultures Juridiques, and there is a call for submissions on Actualités du droit romain, and Chantiers de l’histoire du droit colonial


Edinburgh Legal History Blog

The Blog is compiled by Professor John W. Cairns and Dr Paul du Plessis of the Edinburgh Centre for Legal History to raise issues of interest to legal historians, especially those interested in the history of Scots law and of the civilian tradition. Their webpages may be found at and If you have material you think they might be interested in posting to the blog, please email them at

John Ford: Law and Opinion in 17th-Century Scotland

Mark Godfrey at Glasgow is organising a seminar to discuss Ford's important and massive new book on Law and Opinion in 17th-Century Scotland. After an intoduction by Ford, there will be a general response by John Cairns and then further responses by John Blackie (on the role of learned law) and David Ibbetson (the English perspective). This is scheduled for the afternon of 25 March 2009  in Glasgow University, Gilbert Scott Building. Watch this space for further details when available!

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