Clio@Themis: New Electronic Journal in Legal History
A new eletronic journal devoted to legal history has been established entitled Clio@Themis. It is accessible at It is associated with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
The first issue contains a survey of aspects of the state of the subject in Europe under the title "Nouveaux regards sur l’histoire du droit". Articles, by Alain Wijffels , Dirk Heirbaut , Michael Stolleis, Paolo Alvazzi del Frate , Heikki Pihlajamäk , Brian Tamahana , Dominique Linhardt, are in French and English.
I could not get the facility to produce the articles in a PDF format to work. No doubt this is a small initial glitch.
There are distinguished editorial and advisory committees.
The next issue is on Histoires des Cultures Juridiques, and there is a call for submissions on Actualités du droit romain, and Chantiers de l’histoire du droit colonial