British Legal History Conference 2021: Call for Papers

The theme of this conference will be “Law and Constitutional Change”. The call for papers is now live on the BLHC website.

The website explains:

2021 will be a significant year in the “Decade of Centenaries” in Ireland, north and south, marking both the centenary of the opening in June 1921 of the Parliament of Northern Ireland, established under the Government of Ireland Act 1920, and the centenary of the signing of articles of agreement for the Anglo-Irish Treaty in December 1921, which led to the establishment of the Irish Free State.  Against this background, BLHC 2021 will take place in partnership with the ILHS in Belfast.

While the conference theme – “Law and Constitutional Change” – has been chosen in the context outlined above, this is without any intention to restrict the scope of the conference papers to Anglo-Irish history.   The theme will be interpreted in all its historical breadth, examining from any historical perspective the relationship between law and law-making on the one hand and, on the other, the shaping of constitutional principles and the disruption or maintenance of constitutional balance.

This blogger certainly intends to be there. Belfast is a grand and beautiful city with a splendid setting, friendly people, and a beautiful University campus adjacent to the city’s Botanic Gardens.