Legal History and Empires, University of the West Indies
Between 11 and 13 July, 2018, the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, hosted an intentional Conference entitled: “Legal History and Empires: Perspectives from the Colonised”. It followed on from a conference at Singapore devoted to “Legal Histories of the British Empire” that was held at the National University of Singapore in 2012. It was organized by Dr Asya Ostroukh, who recently graduated form the University of Edinburgh School of Law with a thesis on the influence of the French Code in Louisiana, Quebec, and the Suisse Romande.
The Conference made the news pages of the Barbados Advocate on 13 July, 2018. And it is interesting to see on p. 6 a photograph of two Edinburgh Doctoral Graduates, David Berry, Dean of the Law School at Cave Hill, an international lawyer, and Dr Ostroukh, a legal historian and comparative lawyer. They are photographed with Maya Jasanoff of Harvard.
The newspaper devoted a great deal of attention, however, to the speech of Sir Hilary Beckles, Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West Indies, arguing that there should be “reparatory justice” for the Caribbean. This is of course and interesting, lively, and contemporary debate.
For the rich programme of the Conference, see: